Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

OpenAM with OpenLDAP as user store (on ubuntu 12.04)

I am using OpenAM 10.0 on ubuntu 12.04. I want to user OpenLDAP as a user store (for the configuration I am using the OpenAM internal store). Unfortunatly, OpenAM does not provide an out of the box plugin for LDAP. Fortunatly, there is a book about OpenAM, and even better, the relevant chapter for integrating OpenLDAP is available for free, together with the nessessary schema.

For your convenience (and my personal documentation), I will show all the steps I took to get things working. First, I downloaded the above mentioned resources from packt publishing.

Setting up OpenLDAP

Bevor installing open ldap, think about the suffix you want your install to have and take apropriate action.

Then install openldap:
apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

Then add a suffix and a manager account to the directory:

slapadd -l /tmp/init_suffix.ldif

with the following as content of /tmp/init_suffix.ldif:dn: ou=people,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: ou=groups,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=amadmin,ou=people,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectclass: inetuser
objectclass: organizationalperson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
cn: amadmin
sn: amadmin
uid: amadmin
userPassword: secret124
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupofnames

dn: dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: opensso
dc: opensso
structuralObjectClass: organization
Make sure you have the dc=java,dc=net set to the values of your directory.

Add the OpenSSO4OpenLDAP.schema as provided by packt (under "Downloads"). You will need to convert it to an ldif file, as has been explained here(read untill the end, it was usefull for me).

Then add some more data:
 ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f template.ldif

dn: ou=people,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit

dn: ou=groups,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit

dn: cn=amadmin,ou=people,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net
objectclass: inetuser
objectclass: organizationalperson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
cn: amadmin
sn: amadmin
uid: amadmin
userPassword: secret124
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupofnames

in your template.ldif file. Again, make sure your distinguished names (dn) are matching your setup.

Setting up tomcat7

After installing tomcat7 via
 apt-get install tomcat7-docs tomcat7-examples tomcat7-admin\ tomcat7
you need to provide more memory to OpenAM then the default tomcat install on ubuntu does. This is done by creating a script called in /usr/share/tomcat7/bin:

root@tih1:/usr/share/tomcat7/bin# cat

export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
Then the apropriate rights should be set
chmod 755
chown tomcat7:tomcat7

Then start (or restart, depending on the previous state) tomcat:
 service tomcat7 start
Note that if you redeploy OpenAM (maybe because you screwed up your setup), restarting tomcat is a good idea. I am not much of a tomcat expert, but when fiddling around I found that restarting tomcat solved a lot of strange problems for me.

Also, in my fresh installation both apache and tomcat were listening on port 8080, and when connection to http://<myserver> , I only saw the default apache page. So I had to configure on of tomcat and apache to listen on a different port. I changed the tomcat port to 8081, which can be configured in
There is a line which reads  <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
Which port you choose depends on what you want, there is no specific reason for my choice of 8081 other then making it different from apaches 8080.

Also, check the access rights for tomcat.

Deploying OpenAM

Read the instructions of the official installation guide. Read it carefully, it will save you time and trouble (Skip the section "To Configure OpenAM With Defaults (For Testing)", it won't help with OpenLDAP). Then read on, then execute the deployment.

A few things I found to be different then described: The ports for the configuration store are set to -1, which should be fine according to the offical docs. It did not work on my box, so I assigned random ports above 1023:

Now comes the whole point of this post: Integrating OpenLDAP. For the user store, choose OpenDJ, and enter the data and credentials for your ldap server:

Finish the configuration Dialog, and you should be set up with OpenLDAP as a user store in your OpenAM. In Theory. In Practise, there is a bit more of configuration to be done in OpenAM bevore your ldap users will be ready for use.

Configuring OpenAM

Under "Access Control", "/ (Top Level Realm)","Authentication":
  • Under "Authentication Chaining", choose "ldapService", change "DataStore" to "LDAP". Save, and back
If you allready have accounts in your OpenLDAP directory, and can't find them in OpenAM (e.g. "Access Control", "Top level realm","subjects" - should have a listing of your users ), try the following:
"Access Control", "Top level realm","DataStore", there should be a listing of configured data stores. If you followed the steps above, there should be only one called "OpenDJ". This is your OpenLDAP DataStore. Klick it, and scroll down to "User Configuration". At the very end of that section, there are two fields, called
"LDAP People Container Naming Attribute" and "LDAP People Container Value". These probably contain values such as "ou" and "people". Void both.

Make OpenAM reload safe

Allthough its supposed to only happen with JBoss, it also happend with tomcat to me: openam lost its configuration after restart/reload. Follow the steps described in the link to get things back on track, just replace JBoss with Tomcat.


These are notes I took over the course of some days. If anything is not so clear, please let me know and I will try to be more accurate.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for the blog post. I was curious which user store to use.

  2. You are welcome. Please note that I am not saying openldap is the best (I have not tried the others). It was just that I had the requirement to use openldap. Other factors to consider are allready used directory servers, your personal knowledge, maybe performance if thats of concern, money, etc.
