Montag, 29. April 2013

Postfix: local mail only for some users

If you want to allow some users to send "local" mail only, the following postfix configuration will do the trick. With local I mean within the organisation, for which your postfix is configured to receive mail.

In your smtpd_recipient_restrictions, rather at the top of the restriction list, add

        check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access-sender-local_mail_only,
where the file /etc/postfix/access-sender-local_mail_only contains a list of senders which are restricted:       localmailonly       localmailonly       localmailonly
So here we have defined that these users are subject to the restriction class "localmailonly", which we will have to define:
smtpd_restriction_classes = localmailonly
localmailonly = permit_auth_destination,reject
Here we have defined a new restriction class, and have assinged rules to this class. Namely, we only permit authorized destinations (thats the destinations we accept mail for), and otherwise reject the message. In order for this configuration to take effect, we need to convert /etc/postfix/access-sender-local_mail_only to a .db file, and reload postfix (to read the changes to
postmap /etc/postfix/access-sender-local_mail_only
service postfix reload

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